COVID-19 Updates and Reminders

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In an effort to keep the Pepperdine community informed, the University is announcing the following COVID-19 updates:


While Pepperdine’s COVID-19 metrics continue to improve, the University is extending the policy requiring students to wear surgical masks or KN95/N95 masks in all indoor campus settings until at least February 15. As a reminder, faculty and staff are also required to wear these upgraded masks. Please remember masks are required in all public indoor spaces, especially including classrooms, hallways, and the fitness center.

The University has so far been successful in procuring these types of masks, which will continue to be available for pick up by faculty, staff, and students at any of the Malibu or graduate campus COVID-19 screening test sites. Upon showing a Pepperdine ID card, community members will be provided with a weekly supply of medical grade masks.

START Form for Self- Reporting COVID-19 Positive Cases and Exposures

It is important the University is aware of positive tests and close contacts. As you know, the University automatically receives test results from tests taken at the Student Health Center and the weekly screening testing sites on campuses after which it begins contact tracing on these cases.

As a reminder, positive COVID-19 tests conducted outside the University and close contact exposures should also be reported by faculty, staff, and students. To simplify this notification process, the University is launching a new START Form to make it easier to report positive test results from tests NOT taken at the Student Health Center or at campus testing sites.

Students, staff, and faculty should use this START Form to:

  1. Report a positive COVID-19 test result taken anywhere other than at the Student Health Center or a Pepperdine screening test site.  
  2. Self-identify as a close contact if exposed to a COVID-19 case and if not yet contacted by University contact tracers. (Remember, close contact is defined as being within six feet of a positive case for 15 minutes or more within a 24-hour period.)

EXIT Form for Release from Quarantine and Isolation

If you are in isolation or quarantine, the University is also simplifying the process to exit quarantine or isolation. When you qualify to end your quarantine or isolation period, you should complete the EXIT Form. This communicates to the University you have met the qualifications to exit and are leaving isolation or quarantine. It also generates an email sent to you, which can be used to confirm your ability to return to class or work if needed (class rosters will also be updated).


The well-being of the University community is integral to the Pepperdine mission, and boosters are shown to protect individuals against severe illness. In support of the community, the University will continue to offer vaccine and booster clinics. The University will host another vaccine and booster clinic on January 27 and will continue to add additional clinics throughout the coming weeks. 

You can reserve your spot for the January 27 clinic at the following link:

If you are eligible for a booster but have not yet received it, you will have to enter quarantine if exposed to someone infected with COVID-19. If you are fully vaccinated and received your booster, if eligible, you will not be required to quarantine if identified as a close contact with someone who tested positive. Once boosted, students should document this updated vaccination status within the Student Health Center Patient Portal to ensure the accuracy of University records.  

If you have questions, please contact the COVID-19 Information Line at 310.506.8111 or via email at